Thursday, 20 October 2022

Sitä sun tätä

Löysin Rooman valtakunnan kansallislaulun ja se oli hieno, monella tavalla hyväätekevä ja valtakunnan kerrottiin kestäneen lähes 1500 vuitta. Kauppamatkalla kysyin asiaa varikselta. Se sanoi, ettei sen valtakunta olisi kestänyt kuin 500 vuotta. Se olisi ollut 500 vuotta keisari nimellä Neptunus. Voi että, kyllä nuo linnut on hienoja! Sanoin sille, ettei minulle näytä tulleen valtakuntaa ollenkaan. Kauppamatkalla pohdin, säilyvätkö kirjoituksenikaan pidemmän päälle, ja eivät ne kai säily. "

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How long thoughts the citizens should be capable of, how well they ought to think for a certain goverment to work out, means the minimum needed, so for example a hundred times longwr thoughts with good quality is ok. 

Saturday, 15 October 2022

Who needs long school?

 As a child with the name association "emperor", some thought it a reason to use much forcing in my school and university studies. The reasoning was something like : an emperor needs that people in that country would have gone to school so much that things would work weöl in the society in what comes to level of rationslity and civiliced wisdom, and that is why the "emperor" should be forced to study hard in school. But ghe work of an emperor is a demanding one. So ut is öikely that it is suggested mostly to those whose understanding is good and school easy, so that there is no reason to use extra forcing. But thr utterly stupid ones should be forced to study if they say they want to mess with big things, but in that too responsibility and common sense are important goals. But is this why the Japanese kuds are forced to study so hard? 

Weathers like wines (advices for all climates)
