Sunday, 19 September 2021

Court may be a fake by criminals

 I have not learned anything much of the royalty, but my impression from my adult years is that royal court is often a fake by criminals who act that they associate with the royalty and get rights from them, but instead are just present for a theater act like "we would be here and have these clothes and they would think that we are somehow fine and liked" or the like, and so they would be in pictures and so in the media to, use royal power instead of the royalty - at least that is what the ordinary style of a court appears like. 

But on the other hand, politicians are liked, favourites of many, while I have just tried to figure out how to make the world a better place to live in, and am not the favourite of anyone, much less of all. 

26.3.2022 The Finnish word for emperor has as an asdociation "not allowed" or "don't". If you picture in your mind someone talking with a king and then going to talk with some members of the court, isn't the style of him walking from king to the others as if the king would have said to him that don't go to them  don't associate with them, but him goibg leisurely anyway as if it did not matter and tge king in vain, without means to influence such. Isn't that how we recognize a king from looks but doesn't it at the same time mean that the king is not in power, is not a king in practice, unless it is only in some official matters like written text and professional work. 

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