Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Women's views


a4.   19th of April 2023   Just a story   When I in the first half of March had gotten the fifth book of this text ready and it had been for sale, there once came a dream like picture to my mind of an Arab man in the Arabian peninsula saying that he had liked tge idea of women's position in it and since he had some money he had bought the book - or offered the text in it? - to hundreds of women and so had gotten was it 500 or 700 wives who liked such a position as in the text, and been told that any more viwes wouldn't be a harem but instead a governmental area or a new nation, since they had their own views of how to live kn a society. Also women kn other countries have liked tge text's view on emperor's power being possible by estimating fairly per deed. Those whose culture lacks conversational skills have liked the first few advices of ghe text and the rest back them up by sipporting the possibility choose what kind of work one does and by teaching useful skills. See search "tervola".


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