Friday, 29 December 2023

A hobby tool or trouble

 From my blog 

"    I saw today a video of a girl in Britain having been given a valuable jewel, it seemed because she appeared of a so good quality that she might grow up to become a queen, so it was maybe good to give some such girl a possibility to train herself in big thing, maybe get influencies from a real quees and so have some idea of what to try to learn among other things. 

When I was a child and had a name connected with the possibility of growing up to be an emperor, my mom once or twice run into some such possibility for me, but I did not have at all enough social skills etc for such, so it was impossible because others would have robbed it from me and there woukd have been some cunning plans causing occultidt bad luck for me. But later I heard that some of my class mates had been offered such, but it still was too difficult for me.

I think that one learns from one's hobbies, so it is good to have good hobby tools and some dreams, but things interesting very many get easily robbed away, so there just is lors of lying and no possibilities for such life of the dedicated beginner with good quality in school like things etc and in always following good will in the world and fair play. Such has been in my lufe, so I do not know what I have lost, but it seems something much too bug for me to handle in social lufe etc. So I just write teaching material for the wide world in skills important in life and in the world. 

If the world is of spirit, maybe one could see from how one's artifacts etc change to be like what one is like, which values, quality, wusdom of life and character one has, but in practice that is difficult to achieve even momentarily since there are so many people interested in cheating by stealing, lying, manipulating etc in the world. Likewise one could estimate by vlothes, their style and symbolic colours, but those too depend on the environment, and at least my life has beem hindered much in such skiils. Likewise handiworks style, quality, interests etc depend on the town lived in, and handiworks tend to get dtyle influenvies from others, especially the pictures but also peace for hsndiwork may be prevented by influemcies from others. And similarly of work achievements, reputation etc, so there only remains to judge people deed by deed and only take care not to fall to poor quality instead of fair play, not to judge on reputation only, but instead remember the need for safety precautions in such cases. 

I once read from a news article, not so long ago, of a politician at the time of elections having eaten very luttle or not at all for two days but felt like having eaten, since she was so motivated and got so much support from voters. So it seems that quite often politicians in high positions and some of the active elderly mostly need very little food, since they take tasks that they are suited to and motivated to and to which often no-one else has the skills, inclination, experience, etc and which are needed in the society and the world. And so they go like let's see, I coukd do this bunch and then thst, etc, and so they manage to do tjings in good quality ways, even if others cannot. Ghe opposite are people who insist on living in a place they don't like and working in a job that they do not feel motivated toward, so they go skriik skrääk and often need big meals with butter or oil, in order to feel at all satisfied and good willing. So I guess that a hobby that one oneself öikes and admires is much better for oneself than a hobby which needs expensive equipments. 

When I was a child, me and my brother had the habit of opening doors by slamming the handle, or if we were carrying something, by pressing the door handle with our toes. At some point our father started complaining about it, saying that it is no way to open the door. So we watched this news article's video advice about learning the right way to open a door. I still don't know what to think about it. My dream had been to become a dancer, but my mom said she saw what hobby woukd suit us. I feel the video being like this thing about getting money or a job or position or a personal style: there still is something I did not get right socially snd in the society, even though I got some part to work out well.

So it turned out that I am jyst a writer. When I was a young child my parents said that I will learn the needed social skills etc, but I didn't. And as I have learned that to publicity thete is some kind of spiritual or mental feedback or connection with the audience or readers, that would demand much more social power to influence others tgan what I have, even most ordinary jobs seem out of reach for me in that respect, so now that I do not seem to have anythibg more to write about, I have lstely felt socially annihilated, as if I were on an advertisement wall but people wanted mostly some other types of persons to places so much in sight.


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