Friday, 3 May 2024

Who needs luxus

 As younger I did not know of this. Luxus sounded like someone from tropics wanting tropical hot weather like feeling from all things bought, etc. I read adventure stories of young soldiers fighting and royalty and noblemen & -women cunning about power, so I thought the royalty having lived an active sporty life with lots of different kinds of content to life. But as I years later as an adult have learned of jobs, most seem to fix things very much lacking from others, instead of reaching high in their own favourite areas of life like for example farming. So a luxory thing is often needed by the ill, by those who get glad from extra things taken care of, often making their lufe easier in a lazy way, and in such situations people often also value social company helping them. So such is one form of luxory. Yet such is associated with kings etc, even though it in such cases is for a different reason: kind of saying now we will arrange things well for the country, for our work and for the life in the country. So they too care something extra and may need a good environment for their work, but they are healthy, or ought to be, and helping the very ill is a different task. 

I am just one individual. I cannot handle any groups or feedback requiring changing, since I have just exhausted my view, written much too much compared to my skills abd life experience, forces, etc. But there are some of my texts many would like to read or learn skills in that directiln from someone suited to be their media figure, journalist or the like. 
Magnifient Views : and nice to live in
Wonderful, Miracle like Beings
A Sorcerer, Book 2. : Skills for Harmony
Maybe also the Christmas gnome skills series? 
Maybe my books were of a luxory kind in tge eyes of some, but I would strongly need others to inform of them, and of my other books and blogs, according to civiliced values, common sense, etc. Since I am not able to bear any more of this writing etc. I need ordinary healthy Finnish life. Now I have just the internet writing, and the lack of enough ordinary life is an occult problem, which I cannot solve. 

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Weathers like wines (advices for all climates)
